Crestwood // fabric ideas

We have our eye on a variety of fabrics/prints/color-blocking combinations for our Crestwood skirts and wanted to share some of our favorites!


We are huge fans of Ruby Star Society and this combination is no exception.

You can find the unicorn print cotton here and the contrast fabric here.


There’s something about herringbone that screams “cozy” and “fall”.

This one has cozy in the name.


How gorgeous is this floral print?? We could totally see this brightening up a dreary fall day. You can find this rayon print here.

If you’re not one for prints, texture can be a great way to add more subtle interest.

A Crestwood skirt in this crinkle cotton would be super cute with a sheer blouse on top and some cute boots.

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We tried not to make the entire list Ruby Star Society fabrics but struggled a bit. Here’s another spicy color-blocking combination for fall. Main fabric can be found here, and contrasting fabric here.

For a more structured skirt, these cotton twills in jewel tones would be perfect over sweater tights on a rainy day. You can find these colors here and here.

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